Sunday, June 15, 2008

SANS SEC 401 Mentored Class in Dallas!

It is official! I will be mentoring a SANS SEC 401 class this fall in Dallas.

The official information is at

It is a great class to get a solid overview of the basics of security. I highly recommend it!

Ironically, I would prefer the 6 day class since that is a better way to get the massive amounts of information. That said, this format is great for anyone who cannot afford 6 work days (really 5) or who wants to get the information in an even more compact format. You will have to do a lot of studying on your own, but you will get an outstanding mentor (me!) and lots of great material.

Do let me know if you want to sign up. I hope to post a special link for that soon. Mention that I "referred you" if you sign up based on this post or some other contact with me. :)

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